I am the reigning Queen of the Sovereign Empire Procrastination

The weapons of dirt destruction.  50mm ISO100 1/20s F/2
The weapons of dirt destruction. 50mm ISO100 1/20s F/2

I think that I will do almost anything to avoid doing the housework. Actually, I don’t think I will do almost anything, I actually do. I mean, how many people do you know who would rather squeeze dog anal glands and then bathe the poor beasts instead of doing some dusting and vacuuming?? I have done this.

So far today I have slept in (glorious!!), had breakfast, walked the dogs, done a load of washing, read the junk mail, had a cup of tea, checked all the social media via the laptop, reviewed two large files of photos and deleted the crap ones, made a couple of phone calls and tried my hardest to ignore the inch deep collection of dust on all the flat surfaces. All the while, ignoring the three-inch carpet of dog hair on the floor.

My mother and father are probably sitting there with the iPad, reading this, with the feeling of their skin crawling at the thought of all the dust and dog hair about the place. My parent’s home is spotless. Not obsessively, display home spotless, but cleaned weekly on a schedule so that it’s always clean and tidy.

They don’t fear the unexpected visit, where you find yourself apologising for the mess. Not like me.

And I never used to be like this. I’d been trained by the best. I was regimented and thorough with my housework and laundry and lawn mowing and car washing and dog bathing. So much so that friends would often joke about the cleanliness of my house and life. I’m not really sure when the malaise set in or why it set it, but set in it did.

And now I’ve wasted another half an hour of possible housework time blogging about how terribly slack I am. I am the reigning Queen of Procrastination.

All hail to the Queen!!!

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A latecomer into the world of photography, I have found something that excites and motivates me. I proudly own a Nikon D5100 and last year upgraded to the D750 and it is my constant travelling companion. Wherever I go....it goes. I have done a CAE beginners course on DSLR photography as well as a 6 week class with the Moonee Valley Incinerator Gallery. Both courses taught me heaps and the two teacher were both incredible in their own ways. I am using this blog to develop my knowledge and my skills. It will probably become both a diary and tutorial for me so please be prepared for both. My friends are very encouraging and supportive of this path that I've decided to walk. They seem to think I'm a great photographer. I sincerely thank them for their encouragement but am acutely aware that I am a 'new' photographer not a 'great' photographer. I've seen great photography......I have a long way to go. And this is why I have taken up this challenge. I don't expect to create art every day, but I do believe that opportunities for capturing 'that' moment are right before me and I hope that I am able to capture with a lens what I see in my heart and mind.

4 thoughts on “I am the reigning Queen of the Sovereign Empire Procrastination”

  1. Oh hail my Queen, I am but your humble servant. I am still in awe at the ‘number’ of dirt cleaners you have, for the odd occasion I attack my uncleanliness (when the inlaws are coming!!) I’m a one product does all kind of girl 🙂

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