The shortest day of the year is upon us.

Winter light can be beautiful
Winter light can be beautiful

The winter solstice has arrived in Australia. The shortest day of the year. And no, this doesn’t mean that we have less than twenty-four hours in the day today. It just means the we experience the shortest amount of daylight today. The sun will set early. It will get dark early. The street lights will come on earlier as the darkness arrives.

This also means that every day from now will get longer by tiny increments until we are celebrating the summer solstice. I’m taking a stab in the dark and guessing that the Northern Hemisphere is enjoying its longest day of the year today.

And in my marvellous Melbourne the weather for this mystical day has been pretty amazing. Cold, but sunny and clear. So I strapped my left ankle into its stunning foot corset and took the beasts for a walk around the block this afternoon.

The day may be short but the shadows are long and the winter light is glorious.

At 4pm the shadows are long
At 4pm the shadows are long

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A latecomer into the world of photography, I have found something that excites and motivates me. I proudly own a Nikon D5100 and last year upgraded to the D750 and it is my constant travelling companion. Wherever I goes. I have done a CAE beginners course on DSLR photography as well as a 6 week class with the Moonee Valley Incinerator Gallery. Both courses taught me heaps and the two teacher were both incredible in their own ways. I am using this blog to develop my knowledge and my skills. It will probably become both a diary and tutorial for me so please be prepared for both. My friends are very encouraging and supportive of this path that I've decided to walk. They seem to think I'm a great photographer. I sincerely thank them for their encouragement but am acutely aware that I am a 'new' photographer not a 'great' photographer. I've seen great photography......I have a long way to go. And this is why I have taken up this challenge. I don't expect to create art every day, but I do believe that opportunities for capturing 'that' moment are right before me and I hope that I am able to capture with a lens what I see in my heart and mind.

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