Day 300 of 365!!!!

Flowers to celebrate
A flower to celebrate

Day 300 of 365.

This is a bit of a milestone because there was a time in the very beginning of this challenge where I wondered if I would make it to 50 days, never mind 300, and now I am well and truly on the home stretch. I can actually see the finish line up ahead and the crowds are cheering me on.

But what am I going to do with myself when I reach that finish line? Or more to the point, what am I going to do once I’ve crossed that finish line?

This is a question that I had not really considered until last week when the looming dilemma was first mentioned by my boss. What am I going to do with myself? I am going to have at least two hours a day where I am not committed to my blog.

Do I continue with the blog or do I create a new one? Or do I not blog at all? I really can’t continue with this blog because it is titled “A photo every day for 365 days”. Once I reach day 365 it is technically done…..finished……final…..complete.

A part of me already wants to start another blog, but a blog that would not be for general consumption. I’m really enjoying the writing aspect of blogging. I enjoy the creativity that it has brought out in me, however I have often found myself steering away from things I really want to write about because I know that my mum and dad are reading it, as well as my boss ……and my best friend’s young boys love to hear what I’ve written. I’m sure that I would have to create a secret identity and I definitely wouldn’t be publishing/sharing on my Facebook page.

And there’s a direction that I want to take my photography in. Places and themes and styles that I want to explore, but I’ve still got a bit (a LOT) to learn first and there are things that I will need before that direction can be taken. There is also a huge amount of confidence that I am going to require before I can contemplate initiating my ideas.

What I will do at the end of this challenge is begin the new challenge that I have in mind. I am going to start entering competitions. I have joined a camera club so will aim to enter their monthly comps and I will keep my eyes open for other events and competitions that I can take a stab at. It is time I was brave.

I have also been told, by my friends, that I need to stage an exhibition of my photos from this blog and turn the blog into a book. If I decide to do either one of these I am going to be busy for the next 6 months!!!

Only time will tell.

The most important thing to do first is actually finish the 365 days. Keep cheering for me friends. Your encouragement and support is what will help to get me over the line.

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A latecomer into the world of photography, I have found something that excites and motivates me. I proudly own a Nikon D5100 and last year upgraded to the D750 and it is my constant travelling companion. Wherever I goes. I have done a CAE beginners course on DSLR photography as well as a 6 week class with the Moonee Valley Incinerator Gallery. Both courses taught me heaps and the two teacher were both incredible in their own ways. I am using this blog to develop my knowledge and my skills. It will probably become both a diary and tutorial for me so please be prepared for both. My friends are very encouraging and supportive of this path that I've decided to walk. They seem to think I'm a great photographer. I sincerely thank them for their encouragement but am acutely aware that I am a 'new' photographer not a 'great' photographer. I've seen great photography......I have a long way to go. And this is why I have taken up this challenge. I don't expect to create art every day, but I do believe that opportunities for capturing 'that' moment are right before me and I hope that I am able to capture with a lens what I see in my heart and mind.

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