So this is Xmas……….


T’was the night before the night before Xmas and I finally decided that I should make some token of effort for the festive season. It has been one of those years where the days have flashed by at warp-speed and my brain has only shifted into third gear. Therefore, my brain thinks that it is only August but the calendar tells me that tomorrow morning is Xmas Day.

I’m just not feeling it.

I have done the usual Xmas things purely because they are expected of me rather than me wanting to do them. I have baked the shortbread, I have worn the Xmas hat at work, I have attended the Xmas functions and events, I have written the annual Xmas card letter (as yet unposted) and I have wished people Merry Xmas………. but I’m not ‘feeling it’.

It’s not that I am in a depressed state of mind. On the contrary, I couldn’t be in a better head-space. To say that life is good would be an understatement of incredible proportions. Life IS good. I just don’t really care for Xmas this year.

Perhaps being out working and/or socialising and not being home has a lot to do with things. Why spend hours setting up and decorating a tree and the house if you’re not home to see it? #1 son is barely home to see Xmas decorations either and he didn’t offer help to set things up. No..I tell a lie…he did ‘offer’ he just never followed through with his offer.

However, be it an attack of the Xmas guilts, a sense that I was missing something or a feeling that if I decorated I might start to feel somewhat more festive, last night I made an effort and put up a few decorations before watching ‘Love Actually’ while I did the ironing. Not the big tree. I wavered but I didn’t totally surrender to the silliness!!

Tonight I will continue the saga of the ironing basket whilst watching Carols By Candlelight and don’t be surprised if you hear a rumour that I sang along. Who knows? By tomorrow I might be feeling all come over with Xmas cheer.

I doubt it, but Xmas is the time for miracles.


I’m not feeling it.


According to the calendar and my computer and my phone and the shopping centres and work, it is December and we are racing towards Christmas.

I’m not feeling it.

My house is devoid of anything relating to Xmas. I have not put up the tree. I have not written my Xmas letter and taken my Xmas photo to send to those on the Xmas card list. I have not thought about baking my Xmas shortbread.

I am not ready for Xmas cheer.

It’s not that I don’t like Xmas. I do. But isn’t Xmas months away? Where has 2017 gone? One minute I was planning my birthday and now I’m supposed to be planning for 2018. I am certain that there were things I meant to do in 2017 that haven’t even had a look in. Don’t ask me what those things were that I had planned to do because the memory of them has faded into the distance. However, there have been a heck of a lot of things I have done.

Unfortunately,  keeping up with the housework has not been one of them. 😛

So, in just a smidgen over two weeks the world will be celebrating the birth of a fictional being, enjoying the two days off that this fictional being entitles us, eating too much food and being annoyed by the family commitments that we are forced to endure.


Yep….still not feeling it.



He never stops folding paper!!

Xmas event_080.jpg

He has been at it again and we love him for it.

‘He’ is the husband of one of my library patrons. He is an origami master who clearly thinks that idle hands are the devils’ instruments, so his hands are never idle. It began with the Xmas trees, then he did Easter rabbits, then he quite literally made 1000 paper cranes before his darling wife asked him to make super-tiny paper cranes that she hung in clear glass jars.

And now………….

Xmas stockings!!!

We do wish that he would come into the library so that we could thank him personally.

How many more weeks?


The Xmas holidays have only just begun and already there are parents counting down the days till their dimpled darlings are back at school or day care.

The late nights, fluctuating temperatures, Xmas shopping, Santa excitement and holiday eating has already made it’s mark on the children of Australia.

Tantrums aplenty everywhere you go. Little children who already received far too much on Xmas day are screaming at shopping centres because they want more!!

Adults used to the corporate world are struggling with the demands of offspring that cannot, and will not, be negotiated with.

More than four weeks to go grown-ups. Take a deep breath………….count to ten…………….walk off to another room………..But above all, be strong. You can get through it.

